The Interview

Carli: Hi Attorney Knobloch, congratulations to you and your client on your recent jury verdict. Please share with us a bit of background on the case. I understand it dealt with a Wisconsin car crash. First, where did this crash occur?
Attorney Knobloch: Thanks Carli. Yes. This case dealt with a serious car crash. The crash happened in Waukesha County, a suburb outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Carli: What type of injuries did our client suffer?
Attorney Knobloch: Ms. Abelson, our client, suffered significant injuries. Specifically, this crash caused an aggravation of a previously asymptomatic degenerative lumbar condition that ultimately resulted in a successful L5-S1 fusion surgery. Ms. Abelson underwent this invasive surgery and continues to be negatively impacted by this injury. She is a wonderful young lady.
Carli: Appreciate that information. Who was all involved in the case here at Gruber Law Offices?
Attorney Knobloch: It was a total team effort. We have a large team and we love collaboration. We use our significant resources to attack cases and maximize value. I was the lead trial attorney on Ms. Abelson’s case, and I was supported at trial by Attorney Ryan Grych of our team. We were also assisted at trial by Paralegal Ellie Gaulke. Several other team members also significantly contributed to the case outcome.
Carli: Wonderful, tell me a bit more about the trial aspect of the case?
Attorney Knobloch: At trial, the defendant was West Bend Insurance Company. The case was venued in Waukesha County in front of Judge Brad Schimel.
From a case standpoint, the final settlement offer at mediation was $250,000. Defense increased its offer to just over $600,000 prior to trial. The jury verdict was approximately $1.25 million, and the total amount collectible is approximately $1.33 million due to costs and interest. The trial lasted two days. As I mentioned a bit ago, our client is a wonderful, hard-working young lady. The defense attempted to minimize our client’s injuries and minimize the impact on her life. We approached this case with an eye toward telling Ms. Abelson’s personal and familial story. This was a serious injury and will continue to impact Ms. Abelson moving forward.
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Shortly before trial, the parties stipulated to liability, as well as our client’s past medical expenses and past wage loss. Those specifics amounts were not part of the Special Verdict primarily based on our argument that those specific numbers were not relevant to pain and suffering. The jury was tasked with answering two questions: the first regarding past pain and suffering, and the second, future pain and suffering. After about 45 minutes, the jury concluded their deliberation and came back with a combined $1 million in pain and suffering. The jury outlined $300,000 in past and $700,000 in future pain and suffering. After the verdict, costs and interest, the total amount recovered will be approximately $1.33 million. We truly appreciate the jury listening intently and outlining numbers in line with what they believed to be a fair and reasonable compensation for Ms. Abelson.
Carli: Thanks for sharing this information and congratulations to you and Ms. Abelson.
Gruber Law Offices is Wisconsin’s premier personal injury law firm. Our team consists of over 130 attorneys and professional staff who are passionate about helping those who have been injured.
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